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Yellow And White Flowers

Weekly Devotional

Weather Or Whether

Pastor Tim (9-27-24)


Friday Greetings Family And Friends!


Why do we talk so much about the Weather? What’s the weather going to be today, tomorrow, or next week? We hear it over and over. It seems that many are obsessed with the weather! “I hope this weekend is nice because we're going camping!” “I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow because we plan on going to the game!” Weather can put a smile on your face, or make you frown and hang your head! 


We let the weather control our plans. We postpone things and reschedule because of it. Weather can keep us inside, or fill us with laughter outside! 


What about extreme weather? When a bad storm is headed our way, we prepare in advance for the full force of it! Bad storms can destroy property, and take lives as well. Let’s admit it, we want perfect weather all the time and on our schedule!


We become very angry when things don’t turn out the way we want them to, right? Our way reigns supreme! Well, sorry to break your heart, but you're not in control, God Is!!! 

Do you know that some people actually use the weather as an excuse not to do something, or go somewhere, Even Church? Ouch! I know I just stepped on somebody's toes! Guess What! I’m Glad I did! As a pastor I've heard all the excuses! It rains, or the wind blows to hard, and people say “I’m not going out in this mess.” And my All Time Favorite, It snows three flakes and people run to the store for toilet paper and milk, but won’t run to the church to get what they really need!! Can I get an Amen Somebody?


Now for our second word. It’s Whether, pronounced the same way as Weather. 

This word is used to express a doubt, or choice between two alternatives. As an example we could say, “I haven’t decided whether to go or stay.” 


Just like the Weather, circumstances dictate to us “Whether” or not we’ll do something! Let’s use both words in a sentence about church. You knew this was coming didn’t you? “If the Weather is bad tomorrow, I don’t know Whether I’ll go to church or not.” Are you hearing me church family??? I hope so!!!


Is your walk with Jesus contingent on the weather or whether? No matter how bad the storms of life become, Jesus is right there with us! He never leaves us, or forsakes us! He’s our Shelter and Protector! 


Do you know Jesus Loves You and Died for you? Well, it doesn’t matter WHETHER you believe that or not, HE DID!!! Thank You Jesus!!!


Pray Big and Expect Big!

Much Love and Blessings to All


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